The Best of La Paz

I’ve lived in La Paz for six weeks now and am finally getting used to the insane traffic, bustling fruit markets and lung-burning altitude. When…

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Guest post: The UK’s Best Rock Climbing Spots

There’s some spectacular scenery that’s ideal for rock climbing in the United Kingdom, and wherever you live in Britain, you’re sure to have some fantastic…

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The Girl Outdoors in Company magazine

Wahooo the December issue of Company is finally out and I am in it! If you fancy spending your hard-earned £2 on a magazine this…

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Five breathtaking views from around the Great British Isles

Countryside fan James Agate rounds up the most beautiful vistas in the UK for your viewing pleasure. If you’re looking for stunning views and breathtaking…

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Places to stay: Cuddling reindeer in Lapland

I think a small part of me wasn’t quite sure reindeer were real until we visited Napapiirin Porofarmi Reindeer Farm. The farm’s reindeer are friendly…

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Walking Lapland’s Pieni Karhunkierros trail

It doesn’t get much more authentically Finnish than waking up in Lapland in a cosy log cabin overlooking a misty lake in the middle of…

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White water rafting in the Ruka rapids

White water rafting does not involve the most attractive outfit in the world. Over your normal clothes go thick rubber dungarees, a coat of the…

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Guest Blog: Nuuksio National Park by Karina Kold

It doesn’t get much more beautiful than Finland’s Nuuksio National Park, which may be only an hour from central Helsinki but feels like a million…

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Nova Scotia: a photo blog

Two weeks in Nova Scotia are not enough. The Maritimes are a gorgeous patchwork of apple trees, wooden slat houses in pastel yellows and blues…

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The best surfing beaches in Wales

I absolutely, utterly and completely love surfing. I should quickly make it clear that this does not mean I am GOOD at surfing: I spend…

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Brecon Beacons: The movie. An epic drama

This is what happens when you take three mates (one of whom has IMovie and a great desire to avoid doing revision) and go on…

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How literature can inspire your travels and adventures

How inspiring travel books can change the way you travel forever When I think about the joy of reading, I remember Roald Dahl’s Matilda, and…

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